Controlled data capture using Labsheets in Logilab ELN
Managing data is a crucial aspect of any laboratory of the modern age, regardless of its nature and type of activity. The Logilab Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) is a key
Managing data is a crucial aspect of any laboratory of the modern age, regardless of its nature and type of activity. The Logilab Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) is a key
If you’re on the fence about what exactly the Logilab Scientific Data Management system can do for your research laboratory, stick around as we deep dive into its powerful instrument
In a typical laboratory, the amount of data generated grows over time, increasing storage and processing constraints exponentially. Once the complexity gets to a certain threshold, it becomes a nearly
The importance of data traceability and accuracy couldn’t be underscored more as far as any kind of research is concerned. It serves as the primary way for studies to be